Clark Gable and Carole Lombard
The Gable - Lombard romance started on January 25, 1936 at the formal ball called The White Mayfair Ball. They seemed to have an eye for each other. Clark Gable and Carole Lombard were married in the Methodist Church in Kingman, Arizona.

Clark and Carole had been in Las Vegas and headed out to Kingman at dawn. When they arrived in late afternoon, they went straight to the courthouse for their license, then to the church for the ceremony.

Clark wore a blue suit, white shirt and a patterned tie. Carole wore a custom dove gray flannel suit and polka-dotted blouse made by designer Irene. She cried throughout the ceremony and could hardly say “I do.” Clark was visibly nervous and handed the minister the ring before he asked for it.

Andy Devine Edward Beale Lewis Kingman
Anson Smith Gable & Lombard Aliens - 1953
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